Distant Weddings

wedding vows

What are Wedding Vows, and What is Their Significance? Should I Include Vows in My Wedding?

What are wedding vows?

The promises you make to your spouse during your wedding are called ‘wedding vows.’ Generally, vows are exchanged during the ceremony part of the wedding.

This post will highlight the importance of writing vows, what they should represent, and a few examples to help you write them beautifully.

But first, are vows really that important? Let’s find out. 

Most couples wonder what wedding vows should be like and whether they should include them in their wedding ceremony.

Since every wedding differs, this decision is entirely up to the couple. Likewise, the vows can be different for each couple as well. For instance, vows can be romantic, silly, short, or long. Many people like writing poetic vows.

Generally, vows focus on the ‘promises’ or the couple’s intentions. Consider what you think is essential to both of you. Think about what you want to do with your married life. Do you promise to ‘protect’ your spouse in challenging times? Do you wish to see the world and travel around with your spouse? You can share these vows with your partner and the guests present at the wedding.

Sometimes, vows also feature a part where you compliment your partner. You can write the reasons why you want to marry them. This is where you want to show your partner how much you love them and why you chose them to marry.

However, we recommend you stay focused. Some couples forget that marriage vows should be more about the promises they want to make to keep the marriage alive. Hence, they should focus more on what you plan to do instead of detailing how you met or fell in love.

Although sharing this information may be beautiful, it can’t and shouldn’t replace traditional vows.

If you are considering including vows in your wedding (we recommend you should), consider this question as the foundation of your vows: What do I want to promise my partner?

Writing Personalized Vows

The beauty of exchanging vows is that they can be unique and personalized. Writing them entirely from scratch lets you tell your future spouse about your marriage goals and intentions. However, you can also take inspiration from famous wedding vows you’ve heard or seen before.

The secret to beautiful and inspiring vows is to keep them close to your heart. Stay true to yourself, and your vows will be unique.

The Significance of Wedding Vows

The wedding vows are the crux of your marriage ceremony. They are the couple’s voice that reflects both an intention and a promise to one another. Vows describe how the couple wants to interact with one another, how they want to travel through life together, and what they want their marriage to signify.

A couple should carefully choose their vows to convey their intentions accurately.

While in some situations, the vows are inspired by religious beliefs; couples may write them according to their wishes and goals.

What Should You Say in Your Wedding Vows?

One of the most traditional and oldest vows has the well-known phrase, “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health,” which is a beautiful representation of the couple’s intention to support one another under any circumstances. In addition, ‘cherish’ is an ancient word that means ‘to build up’ in its literal sense. Hence, many couples add this word to write vows highlighting their promises to nurture and build relationships.

Other vows could signify the intention to build the marriage on a foundation of trust and friendship. Hence, these vows could revolve around a marriage in which every person is valued for who they are and what makes them unique. When one partner supports the other in being who they are without constraint or trying to shape them into what the other expects, wants, or thinks they should be, that is a sign of a healthy relationship.

To hold the other person in “highest regard” is a pledge made in several vows. This commitment is valuable because it promises to avoid humiliating or berating their spouse after marriage. This vow is a promise to refrain from disclosing details about your spouse to others, including your close family members and friends.

How to Write Meaningful Vows

A couple may exchange written vows that most nearly reflect what they wish to say to each other. They can also write their vows or get help from a close friend or family member. Whatever they decide, their vows must show how they intend to connect throughout their shared life.

Examples of Vows

Here are some beautifully written vows you can use, modify, or take inspiration from.

“Today, I stand before you, promising to love and cherish you for the rest of our lives. I promise to be your confidant, partner, and best friend beginning today.”

“I will be there for you, laughing, wiping away your tears, and sharing all life’s joy and happiness. I give you my heart and love for everything I am and have. I pledge to be there for you in your happy and challenging times and to hold your hand through the ups and downs of life.”

“We have discovered a wonderful and sincere love together. I take you as my husband/wife today and make these vows to you. I promise to make my home a place of love, laughter, and understanding. Today, I give you my unwavering passion for the rest of our lives.”

“I promise to appreciate and admire you, to honor and respect you. I’ll be your steady source of strength and support, your shoulder to cry on. I will listen to you with an open heart and communicate with you openly and honestly.”

Final Thoughts

Remember, your wedding vows should reflect your personal experiences and emotions. So, writing them on your own is a great way to begin your life together. Contact us today if you’d like more vow inspiration on whether or not you should exchange vows, and on how to write beautiful vows for your wedding.