Distant Weddings

top reasons why men fear

Top Reasons Why Men Fear Making a Commitment

You’ve been showing for weeks that you’re ready to take your relationship to the next level by marrying your longtime partner. You’ve been texting ideas for your fantasy wedding, complete with rings, since you were a young child.

He hardly ever responds to any of the texts you send him. You’re beginning to get quite upset because you’re unsure if he’s not picking up on the cues, doesn’t care, or doesn’t see a future for the two of you. The truth is that he is most likely either afraid or simply not ready yet.

Many men are reluctant to propose the next step. Here are some primary causes of men’s marriage-related phobias to help you comprehend them and put yourself in a similar position.

Why Would a Man Refuse to Wed?

Men have many reasons for not getting married, most of which concern their preferences and ideals. Because they saw unhappy marriages as children, they may be afraid of commitment or have a negative attitude toward marriage.

If you are in a long-term relationship, it is natural for marriage to be your ultimate aim since it is common to wed someday.

Does he intend to propose at some point? is a typical worry when a relationship lasts for a time but doesn’t seem to be heading toward marriage.

If you find yourself in a similar situation and are unsure whether it’s time to review the relationship, you may find the typical signs that he doesn’t want to marry you helpful.

Different Fears About Marriage

If you’ve heard someone say, “I’m scared to get married,” you might know that their fear of marriage extends beyond simply the commitment involved.

Sometimes other factors make a person apprehensive about getting married. There are several reasons why people might be afraid of commitment: 

  • They might think they will get divorced; 
  • They might worry about adultery; 
  • They might be worried because it’s something they’ve never done before; 
  • They might think they’ll fall out of love with their future spouse; 
  • Some might believe their premarital uneasiness is a sign that their marriage will fail.

These are a few causes for someone to fear marriage, but you or your spouse may have another.

Reasons Why Men Fear Marriage

1. Loss of Independence

Yes, guys afraid of marriage describe this as the main reason for their anxiety. Getting married entails traveling with a woman who will have a big say in many of his life’s choices. He is concerned that everything, from the family’s ice cream flavor to the color of the drapes, will be subject to her view. 

The majority of men are aware that asking the wife first is both polite and rational. However, some men do not appreciate that, while others seem to adjust after marriage; if they were pushed into it with this attitude, you would only get sad romantic tales from grumpy men.

2. Fear of Change

As a man, you’re afraid of change; it tells me you’re not ready for change. You experience discomfort whenever your life undergoes any adjustments.

It’s possible that after marriage, women will gain influence over you and drastically alter your life. If you don’t want to live their life, which they will never want, they believe there is no way to live.

3. Lack of Confidence

A man may be open to marriage but unsure how he would handle the obligations that come with it. Most men fear the idea of commitment because they worry they will lose control over the direction their life will follow due to their lack of confidence.

Due to this, becoming a husband is difficult for them. Why are men afraid of marriage? The question “What if I’m not enough?” leads to an even worse situation, and before you realize it, all these what-ifs produce a sense of loss of control over everything.

4. Fear of Failure

Undoubtedly, both men and women have fears about marriage before they get engaged. The dread of failing is prevalent in men’s minds. They are anxious and believe that relationships are a more challenging assignment than anything else. No man wants to appear as a failure before a woman.

5. Sharing Everything

This is yet another justification for men’s fear of marriage. ‘My paycheck’ will become ‘our money’ in his language once he marries. “My house” changes to “our house.” That raises resentment in some way due to its potential implications. 

Of course, women also collect paychecks and may share in home ownership, but most men plan their future life based on how they observed their parents’ living. And most men dislike sharing their most prized items with their spouses after marriage. A grown-up man would be scared to death by the thought of sharing his valuables with a lady.

6. Additional Responsibilities

A boyfriend doesn’t have to worry about anything, even kids and housework. After getting married, the man will have to shoulder more of this job, taking away from the time he would have spent doing the activities he enjoys. 

Despite the benefits of marriage, many men fear becoming overwhelmed by their obligations as husband and wife. It’s the main reason men fear committing to relationships.

How to Deal with These Fears?

1. Figure It Out

You can be afraid of getting married, but haven’t considered why. Identifying the potential source of the issue should be your first step. Once you’ve done that, you can decide how to deal with the problem or start moving past it.

2. Spend Time with Married People

Spending time with married people will help if you have doubts about marriage. You can ask them over for dinner or to do an activity with you. Observing their interactions could help you comprehend marriage and sort through a few misconceptions you may have about it.

3. Speak with Your Partner

Discussing your feelings with your partner whenever you suspect you are suffering from fear of commitment is crucial. You should be honest and open with your partner because they need to know the real story. If you decide to seek counseling, they could assist you with figuring that out.

They don’t believe that whatever they did caused your worry, which is another reason you should speak to your partner. If you don’t convey your anxieties to your spouse, they might assume they did something wrong.

4. Consider Counseling

For a guy who fears marriage or a woman who is afraid of marriage, there are a few counseling options accessible. Keep in mind that you have the option of going to a counseling session alone or choosing to go together as a couple.

The Bottom Line

Many men are apprehensive about committing to a relationship. While right now you might think your boyfriend is a bad guy who doesn’t get it, the smoother it will all go, the more skilled you become at building emotional safety that dispels commitment phobias.